This is an order form for Gift Voucher. Please fill it in, and proceed to purchase.
We will send her an email once your order is completed.

■ お贈り先 Her information ■

贈られる方のお名前 Her full name 姓 First name
名 Last name
贈られる方のメールアドレス Her email
Write your message to her here

*Your message will appear on the email that we send to notify her of your gift.

メール送信日 Date of emailing month/月 day/日, year/年

Any specific date that you'd like us to send her an email?
If not, we will email her once we confirm your payment.

ギフトラッピング Gift wrapping +500yenギフトボックスにお入れ致しましょうか?
Would you like have it wrapped in a gift box?
Gift wrapping? ギフトラッピングとは?
備考欄 Message to us

■ 配送先 Shipping to ■

配送先国 Country 日本 Japan 海外 Other countries
受け取る方 Consignee

Please note that Importing tax will be a subject of the recipient. Would you like us to send the dress to her?

はい、直接彼女へ届けて下さい Yes, please send it directly to her.
私へ送って下さい Please send it to me.


Your Address

■ ご依頼人様情報 Your information ■

あなたのお名前 Your full name 姓 First name
名 Last name
メールアドレス Your email
電話番号 Your phone
エージェントno. Agent no. (番号をお持ちの方)If you have any
プロモーションコード Promotion Code (コードをお持ちの方)If you have any
お支払い方法 Payment PayPal
Longer length opt.

I will pay another 2980yen, in case she desires its skirt to be 10cm longer.

同意する I agree.

関税 Custom

I understand that Importing tax will be a subject of the recipients.
I hereby agree to pay the tax in order to receive the dress/es.

同意する I agree.